Musicians about orchestra | Tatarstan-symphony
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Musicians about orchestra

Денис Мацуев
Denis Matsuev
That, what happened during this time with National Tatarstan Symphony orchestra is a breakthrough on a planetary scale. This year I played with different world-famous orchestras, also with National Tatarstan Symphony orchestra and I had such sense that I played with the orchestra of the world level. I have a special attitude to the orchestra and Alexander Sladkovsky. It’s a wonderful example that it’s possible to make a unique orchestra not only in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The President of Tatarstan understands that culture is a peculiarity. And the Republic can be proud of it, besides the Earth’s interior and sport.
Суми Чо
Sumi Jo
Despite the complexity of the program, maestro Sladkovsky brilliantly embodied the complex musical piece and felt the dramatic character of this music. Your orchestra sounds really great!! I am impressed by how the orchestra  carefully refer to the sound, how the  musicians listen to the maestro and do all that he requires  from them. I touched by the incredible musicianship of the orchestra and the maestro himself.
Дмитрий Хворостовский
Dmitri Hvorostovsky
Each time it is easier and more inspired to play with the orchestra . I feel the support  and I feel that we are like-minded people. It makes me pleasure to play music  together .
София Губайдулина
Sofia Gubaidulina
The Tatarstan orchestra has really transformed for the better as it radiates quality now! The musicians are truly enthusiastic about their work which serves to show that the orchestral conductor has achieved a lot. I am glad Sladovsky was invited to work in Kazan. Only few people can draw people in packs to the Hall and I believe he is that type of person. Besides, I believe the local audience is very responsive. I don’t judge the city by its gorgeous look as appearances can be deceiving but there are a great number of people gasping for high art here so this festival I think gives Kazan a great chance. 
Гия Канчели
Gia Kancheli
I mean it when I say that you don’t get to see so high a level of performance too often. I feel very awkward saying it but I find myself liking my own music some of the time. They are really on a high level. I hadn’t expected to see such a great orchestra here in Tatarstan before coming here and I’ve been totally amazed by it for three days now. Idon’t know who to thank for it.
Юрий Башмет
Yuri Bashmet
I’m rejoicing at the quality and success of my friend, maestro Alexander Sladkovsky. I like that CONCORDIA  is a festival of contemporary music.   The music pieces, which sound here have a modern language. This music talks about life and death, love and hate, friendship and betrayal.
Владимир Федосеев
Vladimir Fedoseev
I had great pleasure, that happens rarely, working with National Tatarstan Symphony orchestra. You are working and see how the eyes of musicians are burning, wherein they understand what they do. Today the professionalism of orchestras reached very high level. But to make from the orchestra a sound, art group is pretty difficult. But Kazan did it. Of course, it’s a merit of director Alexander Sladkovsky. He is responsible for the orchestra, he is its keeper. It’s a very rare case. I bow to him and to the orchestra.
Plácido Domingo
I am so delighted to The Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra and the maestro SLADKOVSKIY for the excellent cooperation! I am in awe! I hope soon to meet again to sing and conduct.
Святослав Бэлза
Svyatoslav Belza
I think the Kazan audience has witnessed the work of what is truly an impeccable, top-notch team. Organizing all those festivals is a great undertaking initiated by Sladovsky. The orchestral group must be putting a lot of effort into it but you can see that the spirits of the people on the team are high. The orchestra’s fame has spread far beyond the Republic of Tatarstan and even Russia. I am veritably glad for the orchestra and the Kazan people.    
Хибла Герзмава
Hibla Gerzmava
I haven’t heard such a fabulous orchestral sounding in a while. You can see that there is a great professional at the helm guiding the group, a professional you are never afraid to follow. Alexander Sladkovsky is one of the greatest orchestral conductors of the time and I hope the people here have recognized him as such. 
Чулпан Хаматова
Chulpan Khamatova
 All income from our charity concert will be sent to the construction of the children's hospice. The orchestra have been collaborated with the Angela Vavilova`s Fund for three years. I know the musicians come to the hospital to play for ill children. It's great! I would like to thank Alexander Sladkovsky.   I have a rich experience in the charity.  I think, Vladimir Vavilov , Angela Vavilova Fund,  their friends,  maestro Alexander Sladkovsky and orchestra made an absolutely unique project.  We should value it. It is necessary to be in co-creation with these people. Kazan was the first city, which realize how important is to have a children's hospice. We follow them and make the same thing in Moscow. And all this projects works...
Ольга Бородина
Olga Borodina
Greatsounding! Greatorchestra! They can hear each other while they are at it, they’re experienced and well-equipped. I’m happy to be here and I’m happy for Kazan. Now you’ve got a maestro and an orchestra that have truly brought the cultural level of Tatarstan up to the international standards!
Ильдар Абдразаков
Ildar Abdrazakov
I'am enthralled by the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan and that we managed toget Verdi’s“Requiem”downinjust onerehearsalthanks to Sladkovsky, a true maestro. I’ve sung it many times and today’s performance was indisputably one of the best.
Любовь Казарновская
Ljubov Kazarnovskaya
I’m delighted with the concert, exclaimed Kazarnovskaya not waiting for a question. I know Maestro Sladkovsky for a long time. We had several joint projects in Moscow. This, that he has made with Tatarstan National Symphony orchestra , it is fantastic! It’s the world standard. I did not think that it’s possible for such a short period to result the orchestra in such a brilliant shape. Besides, we took the public good. It’s obvious that the audience liked this form – open-air concert of classical music. For example, two policemen came and told me «What did you do with us? We liked it very much! Since that we will necessarily go to the concert of classical music.»
Сергей Ролдугин
Sergei Roldugin
I was playing Dvořák today and I was astonished when I found out that the musicians weren’t just accompanying me but they were being creative along with me! I walked onto the stage in a state of exhaustion because I hadn’t slept all night but the musicians were fervent in their playing. They’re easy to fire up, you know. Today I was part of this fantastic orchestra. So there’s a new brand now in Kazan, a reason to come here so you can listen to some excellent music. Now the city has every right to be called a musical center. I’m not comfortable with the word “province”! I believe a person’s capital is the place they feel at home the most. Just like in sports, the musical center is where there is a good teacher.   
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15 Tuesday
October / 2024


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Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra
420015, Republic of Tatarstan
Kazan, Gogol, 4

Tel / fax: +7(843) 236-73-65


Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia
Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia

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