Anna Bonitatibus | Musicians about orchestra | Tatarstan-symphony
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Anna Bonitatibus

Анна Бонитатибус

Tatarstan orchestra is just a dream! When I saw the orchestra on the stage for the first time, I thought that it was a bit big for playing baroque repertoire. But these musicians can listen! The really wanted to play that new repertoire for them! During today concert I heard, felt how each of them supported me. I will never forget this feeling! I hope to have new joint projects with this orchestra and Maestro Sladkovsky.

All reviews
22 Sunday
December / 2024


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Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra
420015, Republic of Tatarstan
Kazan, Gogol, 4

Tel / fax: +7(843) 236-73-65


Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia
Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia

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