Healing Music | Projects | Tatarstan-symphony
For information call +7(843) 236-73-65

Healing Music

"Исцеление музыкой"
Launched in December 2010. On the first concerts of the State Symphony Orchestra was invited by people with disabilities. Then the orchestra began to go to the Department of Hematology DRKB over which took patronage.

The project was first represented in December 2010. Later, the Orchestra visited the haemato-oncology department of the Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan, after taking it under its patronage. The Orchestra regularly gives concerts for little patients of the Hospital, their parents, doctors and volunteers.

On the International Children's Day, the Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra traditionally gives a charity concert for children. Funds raised from ticket sales are transferred to the Anzhela Vavilova Foundation for construction of the first children's hospice in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Совместно с Общественным Благотворительным Фондом помощи детям им. Анжелы Вавиловой  http://angela-vavilova.ru

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16 Sunday
February / 2025


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Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra
420015, Republic of Tatarstan
Kazan, Gogol, 4

Tel / fax: +7(843) 236-73-65


Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia
Александр Сладковский и ГСО РТ - артисты SONY Music Entertainment Russia

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